Wednesday 18 May 2011

Paul Kessling at the Jelly Stand, Reading Art Fair

Paul Kessling at the Jelly Stand, Reading Art Fair from Dominic John on Vimeo.
A short video on a abstract painting demonstration that Paul Kessling did while at the Reading art fair on Sunday 15th May.
You can find more of Pauls work at:

Saturday 14 May 2011

Experiments with a digital pin hole camera

I've seen quite a few companies starting to make custom body caps for DSLR's etc that have been made in digital pin holes cameras. It looked like quite an easy bit of camera DIY so i thought i'd give it a go. So far the sensor is defiantly getting enough light, but having big issues with focus, obviously im not looking for a completely sharp, crisp image, but enough so that you can see the subject. Here is what i've managed to do so far, hopefully with a bit more R&D might be able to get a slightly sharper image. 

digital pin hole camera experiment

Monday 9 May 2011

Let the good times roll on...

So, just finished uni for the summer. Got some really cool bit of work lined up over the summer, and hopefully a couple of road trips etc just for fun. Which should mean that there will be more content going up over the next couple of months.
Keep an eye on here for new videos and photos and enjoy the weather.